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The Importance of Financial Planning
For the majority of us, managing finances and the proper management of these finances for our future and our family’s future are a top priority. However, many of us aren’t sure where to start. In the back of our heads, we assume there will be…
New Year Auto Loan Tips for People with Bad Credit
If investing in a car is in your group of “things to do” this New Year, the first points you should think about is your personal credit score and score. Is your credit rating sufficient to win an auto loan lenders approval? Is your credit…
5 Ways To Settle Your Financial Debts
If you are looking to settle your debts, there are some quick and easy ways that you can use to get out of debt an stop those annoying collection calls.Solution 1-Debt SettlementCall up your creditors and explain that you are in a situation and need…
Your Average Mortgage Payment
According to a study done by Lending, the average mortgage payment in America in 2011 based on the average home price of $222,261 for a thirty year term at four percent is $1061. Hawaiians pay the most with an average mortgage of over $3000…